Ordinary moments


I think it would be fair to say that we all have a hell of a lot of variety in our lives.  We fulfill roles as mothers, wives, teachers, creators, bakers, farmers, carers and friends and so the list goes on.  Many of you probably come under almost all of those categories; however our days are filled with ordinary moments.

Sarah and Anne have both recently written about what is normal for them and about their ordinary moments.  Thank you for the inspiration ladies: here are some of my own normal and ordinary moments.

Destocking around one third of our sheep due to increasingly dry conditions only to have it rain the day after the last truck had disappeared over the horizon.


The beginnings of beef stock made from the bones of a recently slaughtered steer.

An unseasonably warm Saturday afternoon spent cutting firewood for the colder months ahead.

Even toast tastes better cooked in the outdoors, especially when you are cutting firewood.

I thought that most people had given up on writing actual snail mail letters until my aunt recently mentioned that she had spent an afternoon writing letters to her elderly mother and mother in law.  The very next day I received the most beautifully embellished envelope, letter and handmade gift from Jodie.  So many little bits of pretty paper, string, tags, and stickers topped off with two fragrant tea bags.  Kindness, generosity and inspiration all in one package, thank you Jodie for brightening up my day and our otherwise ordinary mail bag.


Perhaps you aren’t destocking or simmering beef bones or perhaps you are?

Normal and ordinary looks different for all of us doesn’t it?

Wishing you a happy Sunday, friends x



  1. Reply


    May 8, 2016

    Bugger about selling and then the rain………..it's always such a gamble what to sell and when to do it………..
    Would love to know how you make your beef stock…….
    And I am sure you will be using that firewood come Tues or Wed……..bring on the cool weather and jumpers I say……….

    • Reply

      Jane S

      May 14, 2016

      Thank you Chooky. My beef stock is very simple…beef bones, onions, celery, carrots, peppercorns and perhaps a bay leaf all together in a big pot with plenty of water. I simmer it for a few hours and then cool it off. Skim off any fat, drain the liquid through muslin or clean Chux, discarding the bones and vegetables. The liquid is your stock! I know some people roast the bones prior to making the stock but I have never bothered with this step.

  2. Reply


    May 8, 2016

    beautiful, thank you for sharing

  3. Reply

    Say Little Hen

    May 8, 2016

    I'm glad to hear you've had some rain Jane. It certainly does look very dry in your photos. It's been strangely warm here lately too!
    Thank-you so much for linking to my post xx

  4. Reply

    look see. by naomi fenton

    May 8, 2016

    And a happy Sunday to you – and happy Mother's Day! I really love the look of that beef stock in the pot! 🙂

  5. Reply


    May 8, 2016

    Normal and ordinary are different for all of us and that's what makes reading blogs so fascinating! Lovely pictures and words as always Jane. (Shame about those sheep.) Wishing you a good week ahead. Sam x

  6. Reply


    May 8, 2016

    Ordinary lives are never really…ordinary, are they Jane? Yours always looks interesting and beautiful to me x

  7. Reply

    e / dig in hobart

    May 8, 2016

    ordinary lives… doing the laundry and bucketing out the water on the garden … then getting hours of rain the next day.
    sometimes I worry I spend too much on the ordinary of laundry and sweeping autumn leaves and topping up the water in bird baths, but I enjoy it all.
    and I agree with kylie. your ordinary, jane, looks so romantic and wonderful to us suburban-dwellers.

    • Reply

      Jane S

      May 14, 2016

      It is often the small things that make us happy e, thank goodness for that!

  8. Reply


    May 8, 2016

    How fresh and red is that steer meat. Oh I can't believe the next day it rained after. Heartbreaking and I am sure something you put up with all the time. Such an unpredictable life in many ways. I was lucky to have Jodi as a swap partner and I am still so delighted by my package and hand written mail.

    • Reply

      Jane S

      May 14, 2016

      Jodie is rather clever at mail isn't she Zena? x

  9. Reply

    Bizzy Lizzy's Good Things

    May 8, 2016

    Your ordinary moments are spectacular, Ms Jane. How is that book of yours coming along? 🙂 xxxx

    • Reply

      Jane S

      May 14, 2016

      Perhaps in retirement Lizzy!? x

  10. Reply


    May 9, 2016

    Rain…ah Jane, that's such a huge shame. Farming, damn hard stuff.
    Ordinary moments are quite often the best chunks of the day…especially when it's home grown meaty chunks 🙂

    • Reply

      Jane S

      May 14, 2016

      Hooray for home grown meaty chunks!

  11. Reply


    May 9, 2016

    well captured .. again Jane !Thank goodness for all the general rain at last, we may now all be able to face winter! ….you have inspired me to get out the slow cooker, despite the warmer than average days for May! EWE BEAUTY

    • Reply

      Jane S

      May 14, 2016

      Bring on the cold weather I say Trish! x

  12. Reply


    May 9, 2016

    Jane, I love your normal and ordinary, which is so extraordinary to me. The scenery in our firewood collection is so different! I'm pleased you've got some rain, even if it could have been better timed.

    • Reply

      Jane S

      May 14, 2016

      Thank you Anne, that is what makes our blogs so different and interesting isn't it?

  13. Reply


    May 9, 2016

    Jane, as I mentioned to Anne, I think all our lives are extraordinary.

    • Reply

      Jane S

      May 14, 2016

      I always appreciate your thoughtful words Glenda.

  14. Reply


    May 9, 2016

    Oh how I love sitting on the sidelines and sharing in your busy life, Jane! I'm glad you're getting a bit of rain. Our ordinary life is very suburban and sometimes I long for green and space. Thank goodness for blogs like yours and Anne's! 🙂

    • Reply

      Jane S

      May 14, 2016

      Just like your blog provides us with an exciting slice of the city Celia…as well as beautiful baking, family life and community spirit x

  15. Reply

    Louise Bowers

    May 11, 2016

    You've inspired me to write some letters using the old way. You just can't attach a ribbon to an email. Love your photos and your blog.

    • Reply

      Jane S

      May 14, 2016

      Hooray for real letters Louise!

  16. Reply


    May 12, 2016

    Love your blog and photos. I have a sister in law who lives in rural South Australia on a sheep and grain farm so appreciate your photos. Love also your down to earth attitude with positiveness . Alexa-asimplelife

  17. Reply

    Kate @ Kate Writes

    May 12, 2016

    Your ordinary moments look so familiar and lovely Jane xx

    • Reply

      Jane S

      May 14, 2016

      Thank goodness for the ordinary and the familiar Kate xx