Sourdough Workshop


Hello friends. Well, it has been quite a while since I checked in. In that time children have grown older, school routines have changed, and changed again. Seasons have rolled along and farm and family life has been full.

My magazine contribution work has increased which is exciting and rewarding but it also absorbs a lot of my creativity, which is part of the reason updates to my blog page have dropped off. Like with all things, life moves in cycles for a reason.

It has also been quite some time since I connected with the bread making part of my community. Sourdough workshops are always in the back of my mind but sometimes it takes the right person and the right venue at the right time to prompt me into these ventures.

Today I am excited to announce that my friend, Jill Prince and I will be hosting a two day retreat on Jill’s property, near Cobar, NSW in late October. Jill is horsewomen, coach and mentor and has a special way of bringing out the best in people. The weekend will include equine sessions, an introduction to sourdough making and creating meals to share while connecting with like minded women. More details and booking information on this Eventbrite link. Tickets on sale from 7pm EST, 17th August.

Please note the price includes accommodation and meals that we will prepare together as a group. Places are limited, feel free to contact either Jill or myself with any questions.

I think we can all agree that in this increasingly fast paced world, we could all benefit from some creative time to think and chat and take a break from our usual routines.

If anyone is still out there in blog land thank you for reading and keeping me on your email list. Jane x


  1. Reply

    Kate B

    August 18, 2022

    How exciting Jane! This sounds like a fun weekend. Yes life goes in swings and roundabouts doesn’t it but nothing ever stays the same so this is a good thing I guess xx

  2. Reply


    August 18, 2022

    This sounds like the most divine amazing retreat! I do hope you do more of these in the future

  3. Reply


    August 18, 2022

    Hello Jane, best wishes for the retreat weekend. As always your sourdough loaves look delicious.

  4. Reply


    August 18, 2022

    Fabulous Jane sounds like a wonderful weekend. I know the bread will be delicious!

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    Kathy Aylward

    August 18, 2022

    I was just going back and reading some of your sourdough blog posts this week.

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    August 18, 2022

    Sounds a great idea Jane. What a shame you’re so far away!
    Hope the retreat goes well. Ax

  7. Reply


    August 19, 2022

    This sounds like an interesting mix…….I see you popping up around the place….. It’s amazing how things develop over time…… Nice to see you back here…….

  8. Reply


    August 29, 2022

    I love this serendipitous realisation of a long-held idea. It sounds an amazing weekend.