As life races towards the end of the year and the calendar starts to fill with school events, social events and farm commitments I have been trying hard to prioritise and make time for the small things. This can take effort and also means politely declining to some invitations and events in order to keep some sanity in the house.
For me, sanity comes in the form of cooking and trying new recipes like these steamed bao buns which I stuffed with slow cooked pork shanks, shredded carrot and chilli sauce. For anyone who likes to experiment with bread, these soft buns were very simple to make. Next time I will use roast duck as a filling.
can always be found in the garden but often
I rush through it turning hoses and irrigation on and off while heading to the
clothesline. Sometimes it is nice to stop and notice the light and these
spectacular alliums that are almost ready to flower.
In the
garden there are also tiny zucchinis.
And an
apricot tree that is absolutely loaded with the promise of summer jam making
and preserving.
time with the horses is always time well spent.
Like all animals they can have their challenges but in many ways they
force us to slow down and pay more attention to our levels of patience and acceptance.
Last time
I hit the second hand shops I scored three stools which originally came from a local high school science laboratory, for $10 each.
They are sturdy and perfect for our shed where people tend to congregate
in the afternoons.
and I recently caught up for a chat about renovations, babies, chooks, bees and
artichokes. Whenever we catch up we
usually exchange small gifts, just because we both appreciate the same
things. I gifted Zara a well-worn copy
of The Magic Pudding for a special little place on the bookshelf.
return Zara gave me a robust looking jar of kombucha.
Now I have some research and experimenting to do!
I have
made some time recently for this podcast. The behind the scenes world of the food industry is endlessly
fascinating for me. If you are
interested in real, seasonal food and community you will love the interview with Alex Elliot-Howery from Cornersmith.
Are you rushing to every school and social event on the calendar?
Are you doing some polite declining?
I hope you are finding some balance. Enjoy your Sunday, friends.
Ruby & Cake
Balance would be a fine thing. I think id just settle for some of those gorgeous bao buns.
Jane S
Lovely to see you here Ruby and Cake…trust me, I don't have balance! But, I do try.
I definitely have to do some polite declining otherwise it's all just too crazy.
Bao Buns, perfectly timed, they've been on my to do list but are not getting bumped up on the list at all. Yours look good, so officially bumped up 🙂
The Magic Pudding is one of my childhood favourites…everyone needs a 'cut an' come again puddin' on their bookshelf.
Jane S
Couldn't we all do with a 'cut an'come again puddin' at times! You would make these buns with your eyes closed Brydie! I am thinking about doing them again for Christmas, perhaps for Christmas Eve. They are so soft and delicious.
I've been crazy with work and too tired for much else when I'm not at work. Those buns sound interesting and it looks like you have some happy things happening in your garden. My poor garden is getting fried with the onslaught of summery weather.
Jane S
Take it easy Country Mouse. I hope you can find a little time for yourself soon!
Suzie Simplelife
Those buns sound amazing….and I am so envious of your apricot tree….we have one that was planted last year and has a couple of fruits on it but I think they may fall…I dream of apricots…but maybe in a year or two.
Jane S
Good luck with your apricots Suzie. Thank you for taking the time to call in.
How wonderful to have apricots. We tried growing an apricot tree but it withered and died. I love November as it feels like the calm before the storm of Christmas tree selling and confess to accepting every invitation with total disregard for the fact that we'll be rushed off our feet. I shall have to channel some of your calm.
Jane S
I remember you mentioning in the past that you haven't had apricot success. I wonder why? I have had very little luck with citrus trees, except for one rampant lime tree. Some things are just not happy in the garden/orchard it seems. Perhaps I need to channel some of your pre-Christmas disregard! Thanks Anne.
Kate Moore
Polite declining? What's that? I am just using a big NO stick.
Jane S
Somehow, I can picture you with the NO stick Kate! You always make me smile. Thank you.
e / dig in hobart
your comment about rushing thru the garden to get the laundry and chores done resounded with me. sometimes I am so busy 'doing' the gardening that I forget to 'enjoy' the garden.
thanks for the reminder jane.
mimi rippee
A beautiful post
Dani Elis
I'm so excited for your apricot tree! My little peach tree didn't bloom this spring so no fruit for us… I think it's a little confused with Sydney's weather 🙂
Beautiful post, Jane! And those buns look EXACTLY like the ones we had. Thank you for the link to the recipe! Serendipitously, our perennial leeks are getting ready to flower too, and we had apricots for the first time this year on our tree (but they all got fruit fly. Must get traps for next year!). Hope all is well! xxx
Saying no is something we all seem to need to learn more. It's such an empowering little word.
Those steamed buns sound absolutely delicious!
I hope you're having a good week x