A Christmas photo shoot


There was this day way back in October when I packed up the kids into the ute with all of their swimming gear.  For once we decided to leave the dogs at home!  In addition to the kids and the swimming paraphernalia I also had an old timber table, stools, linen, glassware, sparkling wine, old spoons, a chair, a wreath, all of the ingredients for a Bloody Mary including ice, vintage cocktail swizzle sticks, emergency clean up gear,  camera gear, four gingerbread houses and just to test my limits, an ice-cream cake.

What unfolded was certainly my most ambitious cooking, food styling and photography project up to this point in my very amateur career.  While the kids swam in the creek I styled and snapped and furiously wiped up the drips and rearranged things and waited for the prettiest light I could possibly capture.  There may have been flies and glare from the afternoon sun and the occasional incident involving two small people, mud, water and towels dropped in the prickles.

Thank goodness for the magic of photography and for Claire, the very trusting creator and founder of Graziher for letting me loose on these wonderful projects.

If a Bloody Mary for Christmas breakfast takes your fancy or you are interested in reading about our own twists on some festive traditions treat yourself to the summer issue of Graziher magazine.  You will be supporting a beautiful and unique independent publication.

I hope the countdown to Christmas isn’t getting too hectic for you.

Are you getting whole heartedly into yet?  Or perhaps like me you are taking one small Christmas step at a time.

December 12, 2016


  1. Reply


    December 7, 2016

    Your work is beautiful Jane., you do such a gorgeous job.
    Well done for tackling all of that by yourself! I absolutely love those adorable little houses – so cute!

    Hope you're having a good day,
    Sarah x

    • Reply

      Jane S

      December 7, 2016

      Thank you Sarah…I am a big fan of small, understated gingerbread houses, as opposed to heavily decorated mansions x

  2. Reply


    December 7, 2016

    dear girl… only a crazy bush woman would attempt that AND pull it off!!! just stunning and I love the sound of the ice-cream cake! hope you got to enjoy some of the drinks after such a hectic shoot ? colours and backdrop exceptionalJane… well captured ( in October!) xx Ewe Beauty

    • Reply

      Jane S

      December 7, 2016

      Thanks Trish…yes life can take us in some crazy direction cant it?! Thank you x

  3. Reply


    December 7, 2016

    You are crazy! Most people would only attempt this with a team of stylists. Goodness knows how you managed with an ice-cream cake – it's bad enough trying to photograph gin cocktails where the ice only melts very slowly. However, you certainly nailed it and it looks absolutely fabulous – almost enough to make me think Christmas in Australia could be rather beautiful. A new career perhaps for you?

    We seem to be speeding towards Christmas. This morning all UK poultry keepers have been told to keep poultry inside to avoid avian flu so energies are being diverted today to create a suitable home for my ducks as they usually overnight in an outside pen. Thank goodness nearly all the commercial free range turkeys will already have been slaughtered or life would be very difficult for those growers at their busiest time of year.

    • Reply

      Jane S

      December 7, 2016

      Thank you Anne. It did take almost a month of preparation and cooking and collecting and planning to make it all come together in that one afternoon. It certainly made me realize how much work goes into big food photo shoots. I hope the avian flu passes quickly and doesn't effect your poultry.

  4. Reply

    Ruby & Cake

    December 9, 2016

    This week I have started the christmas shopping and menu plannin so yes finally getting into it. I get so excited about christmas. What an amazing set up! You have captured in film a sense of what our christmas gatherings are like at home (kids playing in the creek, bloody mary on the table haha) I cannot believe you brought an ice cream cake haha.

  5. Reply


    December 10, 2016

    Those gingerbread houses are waaaay better than the highly decorated big ones. Far less daunting, both to eat and make! Lovely photos Jane, looking forward to seeing where it all takes you next year. Xx

    • Reply

      Jane S

      December 12, 2016

      Wait for it Brydie…I am now experimenting with gingerbread chook houses, just to mix it up 🙂

  6. Reply


    December 10, 2016

    i've read my copy of the mag and your pics are great………..well done……….if I don't get back here before Christmas have a wonderful christmas………….

    • Reply

      Jane S

      December 12, 2016

      Thank you so much for your genuine support Chooky Blue x