February Taking Stock


This week we have taken on new routines and rhythms, small triumphs, tank checking, dam swimming, extreme heat, the odd tear and one minor injury that may have involved cart wheels off the couch.  It seems like a good time to take stock.  There are a lot of links, because sometimes links are fun!

Making : Pumpkin scones from the old, original photocopied School of the Air cookbook.  They were ok but I am yet to truly nail perfect scones.

Cooking : Not too much that requires the oven, it’s just too hot.

Drinking : Anything I can top up with piles of ice.

Reading: There Is No Excuse for Ugliness in the garden.

Wanting: serious, substantial rain for everyone in our community.

Sheep watering

Looking: forward to the My Open Kitchen Gathering and mini workshop with Pip Farquharson and Sarah Powell .

Playing: this song by Angus and Julia Stone and this song by Missy Higgins.

Deciding: on something to wear to our local races next month.  This dress perhaps.

Wishing: I felt a little more motivated in the cooking department at the moment.

Enjoying: a little more balance in my day, for this week at least.

Waiting: for the planets to align so I can visit an organic apple orchard for a photo shoot.  I am very excited about this!

Liking: that autumn is getting closer.

Wondering: about DIY dry stone walling.

Loving: that my husband carefully brought home two mud bird nests for me. Unfortunately these birds decided to build their home in a water pump which is not a great location for setting up home with a young family.

Mud nests

Pondering: an old church that is for sale in historical Silverton.  The possibilities are probably as endless as the renovation costs! But even so, I ponder.

Considering: fresh ideas for our annual Fire and Flour Day.

Buying: so many school things.  Glue sticks, pencils, clear contact…

Hoping: I can wrestle the before-mentioned clear contact without making a total mess of the school books.

Marvelling: at my friend Summa who always has a surprise up her sleeve, check out her little wine bar/coffee cart caravan.

Cringing: at the news, almost all of it.

Needing: to phone Dad, it’s been too long.

Questioning: how our garden has haphazardly evolved over time.  It now needs some ruthless reconfiguration.

Smelling: zesty Vietnamese mint that I have just potted up.

Wearing: colourful bandannas tied around my neck to keep out the sun.

Following: Kate Midleton is one of my favourite Instagram accounts for the fascinating royal details and kind, respectful words.

Worrying: about the kids and their happiness, progress and overall place in the world.  Does this ever stop I wonder?

Noticing: how freshly potted succulents brighten up any space.  I should bring more greenery indoors especially when the outdoor landscape is so dry and brown.


Knowing: that swimwear can be problematic. I have discovered this label  and I love the simple, hard-wearing designs that stay in place in all the right places. I do not surf (although I wish I did)  but my pieces have stood up to the muddy water in our dams and local lakes beautifully this summer.

Outback lake

Thinking: about planting garlic and an autumn green manure crop.  My soil needs some serious rejuvenation.

Admiring: my pedicure.  A cannot believe how much better nice toes make me feel.

Sorting: every cupboard and shelf, one room at a time.

Getting: my washing off the line before it gets completely fried in the sun.

Bookmarking: This conversation is an absolutely fascinating story for anyone with connections to aviators.

Coveting: cookbooks and hats but knowing I already have too many of both.

Disliking: dealing with government departments.  Why is it so difficult to get any actual help from these help lines?  Or is it just me?

Opening: my camera bag regularly, looking for new things to shoot.

Giggling: at how much my kids love Inspector Gadget, some things never get old I guess.

Feeling: keen to get involved in this photo competition for the third year in a row.

Outback sunrise

Snacking: biscuits (crackers) with any combination of avocado, hummus, cheese, pickles and compulsory chilli sauce.

Hearing: the ABC news and the hum of the air conditioner.

Olive trees

If you would like to take stock Pip has kindly given us a blank list.

Where are you up to this weekend?

Are you potting things, taking photos or checking on trees or animals?

Happy Sunday, friends x



  1. Reply

    Judy Cinerari

    February 11, 2018

    My son turns 30 today and I still worry about him and his 27 year old sister. You never stop thinking and worrying about them. Although now they have partners and I also have a 2 year old granddaughter to worry about also. But I wouldn’t change it for the world.

  2. Reply


    February 11, 2018

    I hope you get that rain too.
    So many good things on this list. I am checking out the togs, the wine bar in a caravan and definitely think that dress is perfect race-day attire.

  3. Reply


    February 11, 2018

    Pumpkin scones are my absolute favourite and I love those recipe books… there are lots of sticky fingerprints in our copies! Here’s hoping there is rain around the corner xx

  4. Reply

    Kate W

    February 14, 2018

    I love this post Jane,
    You have the ability to simplify things so beautifully, it has resonated with me.
    Especially the church reno.
    I wish you well for March.

  5. Reply

    Annie Bartholomaeus

    February 22, 2018

    I too recently joined in BD celebrations. Such good family fun and who can’t love a good BD cake and a rousing rendition of Happy BD! No you never stop worrying about your children …..and then along come grandies and you start all over again. I must say I am always counting my blessings that I have 3 biggies and 9 little people to worry over and love and be astounded by. x