Several months ago I had an idea for a little honey themed recipe project for Graziher . When I think about ingredients I think about the behind the scenes reality of producing food. I could easily go to the supermarket and buy generic ingredients but I chose not to because I would rather make the whole process more meaningful.
Honey of course makes me think about honeycomb so I set out to find a decent sized piece of this waxy, sticky, fascinating substance.
I emailed a beekeeper completely out of the blue and after several messages back and forth we had done a deal on a full frame of honeycomb with the offer of a tour of his honey factory and business next time we were in that part of the world. Just like that. Pure goodwill and generosity and he didn’t know me from the proverbial bar of soap.
This is the second time this year that I have randomly contacted and visited a food producer and the second time that I have walked away feeling a tiny bit more connected with my fellow humans! I have found that when you show some interest in someone’s passion they are more than willing to share their products and knowledge. Just as we are happy to share parts of our farming life.
We left the rumbling honey shed with a frame of perfect honeycomb and a bucket of creamed honey that is made using a closely guarded secret method. Our new friends told us to help ourselves to their fruit trees on our way out. On this occasion we couldn’t swap back bread or lamb, but next time we will.
An added bonus to this expedition was some family time, testing a new to us cafe , catching up with an old friend and stocking up at the Farmer’s Market. This morning it feels good to be back in the warmth of our home feeling re-energised and ready to face sheep farming again.
This week I will be researching some honey things and admiring the handy work of the bees and their clever keepers.
How about you?
Honey on toast?
Bees in your back yard?
Emailing strangers?
Happy Sunday, friends x
Thank you to Reece at Monson’s Honey for your time and patience.
ewe beauty
how perfect Jane ! I’m a big fan of honey from wayback.. perhaps pop is to blame for that.. he loved it too! Your photographic forays take you to some amazing places…….and meeting new and interesting people is such a bonus.
I can still hear pop at the table saying to us when we were small fry.. ” bees make honey and butterflies make Vegemite “…. never did work that one out! Love your stories … and I love that café too xx
Jane S
Thank you Trish…I feel like honey on toast right now x
We have bees, just two hives, and they are absolutely wonderful to observe. It’s lovely to be able to take a jar of honey when visiting friends as well. We always had the grand plan to sell our honey, but it never happened that way, so gift giving it is. As a fabulous result though, our mangoes and other fruit trees have great pollination because of the close proximity of the hives.
Jane S
Having honey to give out as gifts sounds perfect to me Cathy. Thank you!
Looks fab Jane. Bees are fascinating and it amazes me how much honey they produce. We had a branch blown down in a winter storm that harboured some bees and it was fascinating to investigate the honeycomb structure (after the bees had left!).
Jane S
The bees worry me too Anne, as much as I love the ‘idea’ of getting closer to them! I think I remember you sharing some photos of that hive. I was amazed at how heavy the honeycomb frame I purchased was, for its size.
Jodie Weekes
Simply beautiful words and pictures Jane, as always.
Isn’t it wonderful how generous producers can be with their time, knowledge, and produce. xx
Jane S
Yes indeed Jodie. Thank you xx
Annie Bart
Hi Jane, Just visited the markets at Bellingen guided by Xanthe. Of all the wonderful foods to choose from she chose some fresh honeycomb. It was guarded (hidden) as you would a treasure! I did get to share some though…. Love your photos x
Jane S
That sounds wonderful, thank you Annie x
Veggie Mama
Oh my goodness that is a thing of beauty!
Jane S
Thank you!