September is a month full of changes and shifts in the season for us. The weather is warming up, we have had beautiful rain and shearing is on the horizon.
On the coldest, wettest day we had experienced for weeks our sheep dog population expanded by eight. It seems that unplanned, teenage pregnancies can happen even in the most well-regulated families and farmyards. I am pleased to report that this little crew are all doing well and receiving plenty of attention.
On the same wet day, late in the afternoon this is what we found on our afternoon walk. Water and wildflowers sparkling in the sun.
When a friend has birthday, baking a cake is the obvious thing to do. But, when this friend happens to be a truly talented baker herself then the big guns are required. I chose this enormous chocolate chip slab cake and drizzled it with salted caramel icing, both recipes thanks to Country Style magazine. Unfortunately due to rain and muddy roads we didn’t get to actually lighting the candles, but I believe the cake was enjoyed a few days later nonetheless.
While most of my vegetable garden is teetering between winter clean up mode and spring planting mode the cabbages are still going strong.
I have been busily cooking, styling, recipe tweaking and taking photos for the spring issue of Graziher magazine. I cannot wait to see the next issue; it is exciting to be sharing pages with so many other clever rural women. Thank you Claire for the opportunity.
Ellie from The Darling Design Co has recently given my blog page a spruce up. The behind the scenes world of Blogger is mostly a mystery to me and I am delighted with this fresh look. Thank you Ellie, it has been wonderful to engage with a talented, young local business woman who understands my situation and my surrounds.
Is the season shifting at your place?
Are you baking or making or sprucing things up?
Happy Sunday, friends x
Kate @ Kate Writes
Your page is looking lovely Jane. Good job
Isn't the rain amazing. I have not seen wildflowers like those in the paddock now since I was a child. So lovely! I was starting to think Mother Nature had forgotten how.
Have fun with those puppies…Kate xxx
Jane S
Thank you Kate…surely you need another dog? If so, you know where to find one x
Say Little Hen
I love your new blog design. A little refresh is good every now and then I find.
What sweet, tiny little things newborn puppies are! They'll be causing lots of mischief in no time, I'm sure.
Congratulations on your publication in Graziher, it's a wonderful feeling to see one's work in print and so enjoyable looking forward to each issue. You should be so proud of yourself.
I hope you've had a lovely weekend,
Sarah x
Jane S
Hooray for a refresh Sarah. Thank you for your ongoing and loyal support x
I am in a ruthless spring throw out……..i'm in the right frame of mind and piles of stuff have been thrown out………heaps more spots to tidy but but OMG it fells good when things are a little more organised and less cluttered……….
Jane S
Oh yes, I know that feeling 🙂
Loving this new look, Jane (although I loved your previous one, too). All sounds good where you are and it's such a pleasure to read about your news. Of course your photos and words absolutely should be in print – they're fabulous. Lucky Graziher magazine. We're tipping into autumn here but the weather is much warmer than usual with temps in the mid to high twenties forecast for next week. It's lovely to be able to throw open the doors and windows each day for a little longer. Have a super week. Sam x
Jane S
Thank you Sam, you are very kind and generous x
Look at the size of that cabbage! And not a moth hole to be seen! Can I ask what method you use to control the white cabbage moth?
Jane S
Cheryl…I don't do anything to control the dreaded moths. We are very fortunate that in our slightly isolated pocket of Australia we don't really get any bugs in the vegetable garden. The occasional aphid or caterpillar but we are mostly pest free and I never spray for anything. Touch wood!!
Liz (Good Things)
I always enjoy your updates, Jane… and I love the new look blog. Those puppies, so sweet… and the cabbages, so healthy… happy cooking lovely. xx
Jane S
You are a kind blogging friend Liz, thank you x
Ellie Russell
Lovely photographs and blog post Jane! It was so nice to work with you to give your blog a little freshen up! I love the layout, I think it suits your style perfectly! xo
Jane S
Thank you Ellie, I appreciate you calling in x
I love the new layout, makes me want to spruce up mine (if I ever have the time). I’m so jealous, your cabbage! The rain has been lovely too in the Northern Rivers, I’ve never seen it this green at this time of year. Our kids are delighted with all the waterholes filled to the brim, they make for hours of fun. It has also made me go back into the garden, with a couple of dry years and little babies it didn’t really happen. How I’ve missed it! It’s going to be heaps of fun cooking this Summer!
Jane S
It has taken me years (yes!) to give my blog a proper spruce. You cant rush these things! I wish you all the best for your summer gardening adventures. There has never been a better time!
Squeaky clean cabbage! If mine looked like that, I'd still be growing them.
Life gets a little more mellow here at this time of the year – think sunny days, kicking dead leaves and berry picking. How exciting to appear in Graziher again. Is this going to be regular?
Smart new blog. Always good to have a bit of a tidy up and re-arrangement every now and then. Anne x
Jane S
Graziher is looking like it might become regular which is very exciting for me Anne! I just hope I dont run out of ideas. Thank you, I am feeling good about a tidy up and re-arrangement x
Your page is looking fabulous! Very grown up 😉
As always I enjoyed your blog and photo's this week.
Tennille xox
Jane S
Thank you Tennille, I like the sound of being grown up…sometimes! x
That pup is so cute! Love the slab cake too ♥
Jane S
Thank you Summer!
Such a gorgeous new layout Jane – Ellie is so clever, isn't she! xx
Jane S
Thank you Jodie, I thought you would know Ellie! x
e / dig in hobart
your blog would be gorgeous even if it came in a brown hessian sack, jane … 🙂 but this shines! (though I always liked the kitchenalia in your header).
that cabbage is a stonker! I'm envious!
Jane S
Thank you e, you are always so kind x