Ten years of chatter and tangled hair


I don’t blog a lot of details about our children.  However, an important milestone is on the horizon so I have made an exception to my own rules.

Our Annabelle is about to turn ten.  I recently watched her board a big bus for her first real school camp and I could barely believe that she has been in our lives for ten years.

I watched her mingling among the school crowd while the bus was packed and details were ticked off various clipboards.  She can be tentative, rarely at the front of the pack but never lingering right at the back either.

Annabelle mostly wears a proper cowboy hat to keep off the sun off her face and farm boots for practicality.  She constantly reads books, instructions, labels, magazines and any other written words she can get her hands on.

She bravely takes a long bus trip to school every day and has never complained about it.  Not even on the hottest afternoons, the coldest mornings or when the behaviour of her fellow passengers has been questionable.

Animals are some of her best friends and her pony, Buddy, is perfectly suited to her kind personality.

She notices the pretty light.  She is organised.  She will eat the strongest, smelliest cheese but won’t even go near Vegemite.  Her birthday present request is for a pocket knife, because it would be handy, in her words.


This year Annabelle has pruned my roses, tackled public speaking, won a hard earned medal for running and spent endless hours quietly making yards,  jumps and accessories for her toy horses.

Her musical tastes are wide and varied, just like her parents.  This song is played almost every night, at least once.

Sometimes her courage and positive outlook on life stops me in my tracks and reminds me to keep my own attitude and behaviour in check.

How can we be parents of a ten year old?  I can still barely believe it.

Go gently this Friday, friends x



  1. Reply


    September 22, 2016

    Congratulations to Annabelle for being such a grown up young lady and congratulations to her parents for raising her so well.

  2. Reply


    September 23, 2016

    Wait until you write "How can we be parents of a twenty year old". Believe me, the time will fly so enjoy every moment with your lovely girl. I admire Annabelle's choice of present and totally agree with her about vegemite.

  3. Reply

    Say Little Hen

    September 23, 2016

    Gorgeous post Jane! I don't remember a lot about my tenth birthday, but I remember I was incredibly excited to hit "double digits" 🙂
    I hope Annabelle has a wonderful birthday! And well done for being such a great Mum x

  4. Reply


    September 23, 2016

    What a great kid. What a amazing girl.

  5. Reply


    September 23, 2016

    …or indeed the parent of a 35 year old! How the time flies and while it is, you are making beautiful memories to treasure forever Jane. I haven't seen it before but so much like Liz at 10. Good work Granny. A beautiful snap shot of the years and your dear Annabelle. x

  6. Reply


    September 27, 2016

    Such a beautiful post Jane. Annabel sounds lovely and interesting. My Annabel is 19! I can't get my head around that!

    • Reply

      Jane S

      September 27, 2016

      Thank you Kylie, lovely to hear from you!

  7. Reply

    e / dig in hobart

    September 27, 2016

    what a beautiful post – and so what a beautiful person you have in Annabel.

  8. Reply


    September 27, 2016

    My mother probably wonders at being the parent of a nearly 30 year old.
    It sounds like your Annabelle is learning and growing every day.
    A happy birthday to her!